
Social Initiatives

Initiatives with Tenants snd Local Communities

Initiatives with Tenants and Local Communities

Policy and Approach

Currently, more than half of the world population lives in cities. Therefore, the importance of cities is increasing more than ever.
In order to build a sustainable city, we believe that it is necessary to prepare an environment that is safe, resilient and rich in many aspects.

We consider the protection of human life and assets from the impact of climate change, environmental pollution and large earthquakes as a social issue. In addition, we believe that the protection of socially vulnerable people in local areas, respect for their rights and efforts on regional revitalization are also an issue in urban redevelopment and operation.

Safe and durable office buildings and residences with rich environments and a local community are attractive to tenants, and establishing these kinds of environments will provide competitive advantages to our business activities.

MHR and MIM aim to provide safe, convenient and comfortable spaces to our tenants.
We will enhance hard aspects such as earthquake resistance performance and emergency power supply as well as soft aspects such as administrative structure for disasters and especially focus on BCP (Business Continuity Plan).

Also, we intend to enhance our relationship with local communities while cooperating with them.
In addition to respecting the rights of adult residents and children and protecting human rights in regional communities, we are working to make these communities more dynamic by promoting local recruitment and procuring goods and services from local companies.

With regard to our human rights policies, refer to the next page.
Initiatives with Employees>Promoting Respect for Human Rights and Diversity

BCP Measures

We promote the enhancement of BCP measures from various viewpoints so that tenants can use office and residential spaces safely and comfortably even when there are disasters.

Seismic Damping and Seismic Isolation
Most of the properties owned by MHR have the highest level of seismic performance such as with wall dampers and vibration dampers in the buildings, and MHR has maintained a low portfolio PML.
* PML (Probable Maximum Loss) refers to the probable maximum loss ratio expected to result from an earthquake. A smaller figure indicates superiority in earthquake-resistance.

  • Portfolio PML: 0.90% (as of the end of July 2024)
Earthquake Countermeasures to Match The Characteristic of The Building
MB, which developed the properties owned by MHR, has various quake-resistant engineering standards and various structural methods are selected according to development advantages and space usage.
<Toranomon Hills Mori Tower>

Toranomon Hills Mori Tower employs three types of vibration control devices, brake dampers, and unbounded braces.
These achieve advanced anti-seismic performance allowing continuity of business without major damage, even of a major earthquake on par with the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake or The Great East Japan Earthquake.

By adopting such vibration control devices, Toranomon Hills Mori Tower holds JSCA (Japan Structural Consultants Association) “Special Glade” seismic resistance performance.

Emergency Electric Power System and Disaster Supplies

Among MHR’s properties, Roppongi Hills Mori Tower is equipped with a private power generation system with its own energy plant, and most of the other properties also have high-performance emergency power supply functions.

MB, which manages and maintains MHR’s properties, handles various stockpiles necessary for times of disaster such as stockpiling food for approximately 270,000 meals, blankets, medicine and portable toilets for each facility, all of which is the largest scale in the private sector. These are prepared for each facility.

Stable Supply of Power from An Independent Power Station: Roppongi Hills

Roppongi Hills uses its own energy plant (specially designated power supply business facility) to supply electrical power to the area.
Because this plant uses city gas (medium pressure gas) as the fuel, it is not affected by power restrictions on the use of electricity and is able to provide an extremely stable supply of electricity power.

The use of a power supply with triple redundant safety allows us to construct a power supply system with high reliability exceeding that of ordinary S-class building.

Emergency Management Systems

MB, which manages and maintains MHR’s properties, will shift into a disaster response organization structure when an earthquake hits.
MB will quickly launch recovery operations and strive to support the day-to-day activities and business continuity of tenants.

In addition, MB has established several housing units for its staff to enable them to serve as disaster-response persons within the business area of a 2.5 km radius from Roppongi Hills.
About 100 residents are positioned as disaster-response persons and undergo preparation for potential disasters on a regular basis and periodically conduct special training.

Also, general disaster-readiness training is conducted twice a year throughout the company and disaster-response persons are required to participate in personnel training six times a year on a permanent basis.

  • General disaster-readiness training 〔Target: twice a year 〕
FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023
2 1 2 2 2
<System of disaster-response person in case of emergency>

<Mori Building’s General Disaster-readiness Training>

Response to barrier removal

We conduct risk assessment every year for all real estate properties we own. In such risk assessment, we assess the performance of our responses to the removal of barriers and make necessary efforts.

Access to public transportation

In the due diligence conducted when carrying out real estate investment, we focus on accessibility to public transportation and have stipulated that in the acquisition criteria, real estate properties shall be within walking distance from major stations.

(Distance from major stations of owned real estate properties: walk)
* Based on the acquisition price

(As of July 2024)

Actual results of urban redevelopment projects

⇒For the policies and actual results on urban redevelopment projects, please refer to the following website.
Environmental Initiatives>Urban Site Investment Criteria

Policy on real estate portfolio management for employees and contractors

With regard to the management of the real estate portfolio, we pay consideration to our employees as well as assess ESG initiatives in the selection of contractors.
As for social aspects, we check efforts on “health and safety” and “fair wage” of employees in particular.

Tenant Satisfaction Surveys

MHR conducts tenant satisfaction surveys once every two years in office buildings and as appropriate in residential properties.
The survey content starts with general matters such as location and image and extends to matters related to facilities and other hard aspects as well as soft aspects such as management systems.
The thoughts of the tenants are used as a reference in our property management.

  • Tenant satisfaction surveys 〔Target: Office once every two years〕
FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023


Residence -

Children's Rights

We agree with and support the “Children's Rights and Business Principles” of UNICEF.
With regard to “7. Respect and support children's rights in relation to the environment and to land acquisition and use,” we realized “improvement of safety in local areas,” “participation of local residents in redevelopment projects as right holders,” and “environmentally friendly development with future potential including the reduction of greenhouse gas” at various properties including Roppongi Hills owned by MHR.
Environmental Initiatives>Urban Site Investment Criteria

Childcare Support Facilities

Childcare support facilities increase tenant office worker convenience and employee satisfaction as well as add value and building activity.
MHR’s Roppongi Hills and Ark Hills have childcare support facilities with abundant greenery and an international character, contributing to the promotion of work-life balance of tenant staff.

Local Communities

We aim to foster a rich environment for the local community through various communication activities.
As community investments in MHR’s properties such as Roppongi Hills and ARK Hills, events and activities are held like the Hills Marche and Hills Machi-Iku Project in which local people can participate.

Hills Marche

ARK Hills has been holding the Hills Marche every Saturday since autumn 2009 based on the idea of “enriching city living by considering the important element of food,” attracting about 3,000 people each time.

Living in the city introduces a new life style of urban life where you encounter high-quality cooking ingredients gathered from various place of production and, as a result, people living in the city have a connection with people living in places of production.
It is this kind of new lifestyle that the event offers a sample of.

In the bustling atmosphere, many agricultural products are distributed from farm producer to consumer and a rich communication is nurtured through the joy of interaction between nearby residents and the producers.

Hills Machi-Iku Project

Hills Machi-Iku Project is a project that provides experiential learning opportunities in which children can think about comfortable urban life with the three themes of environment, safety and culture, which are the priorities of MB in city planning. It began in 2007 as a venue for learning at each Hills complex, and now has over 1,000 participants every year.

In the Environmental Tour that is held as a part of the project, visitors observe Roppongi Hills’s water-treatment facility while learning about the importance of water resources in urban life through the Water Secret Exploration Tour and learning about the urban environment as they enjoy nature by visiting ARK’s rooftop garden, which is not usually open to the public, through the Hills Green Exploration Tour.

In addition to participating through public openings, we also contribute to the education of children in local communities by using this project to provide them with learning opportunities as part of extracurricular studies of nearby elementary schools.